Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Keeping the Photograph at Arm's Length

This article is talking about how the author thinks that art photography and life have nothing in common and do not come hand in hand. This i have to disagree with I belieive art, wether you know it or not, is always in some way realted to you and you're life. He mentions how a photographer my take a picture of "corners of nondescrpit rooms" and then poses the question of if this is related to life. The way this relates to life isn't very obvious, it may not be something that screams and jumps out at you. Maybe this photographer wanted to take pictures of corners because he felt like he was backed into a corner (metaphorically=y of course) in his life, that he had nowhere else to go; who knows. I just strongly feel that an artist cannot create art without it relating to them and their life in some way because the ideas of it came from within the self. artists don't go and pick a project idea from a formulated list of someone else's, all the ides come from thier own mind therefore their mind and life are always related to their work.

Well as I read on i realized that his opinion on this matter wasn't as I thought. I don't think he believes that life isn't related to art because he talks about how our interests will always influence our photographs, why would we take pictures of things we don't care about? that just doesn't make sense. He is more commenting on how the better photographers that are out there have kept their topics a little less close to home than say a project about you're troubled family life. Like Lewis Hine and child labor; obviously he cares about the subject and that is how it relates to his life but he isn't directly affected by it. I'm still not sure I fully agree or will take in this article because he is saying art-photography is dead which i just cannot agree with but I did think this article was very interesting and thought provoking.

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